Wednesday, February 18, 2009

US Unemployment Rates December 2008

GreenInfo Network

Gina Clemmer at New Urban Research, Inc. posted on the Society for Conservation GIS email list, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and represent unemployment levels as of December, 2008. We felt this data would interest the GE community enabling them to both see their county, how it compared to those around them as well as others throughout the country. Nationally this is a powerful image and there are some incredibly high numbers, look at Mackinac County in Northern Michigan that have an unemployment rate of 24.2%, or pan to Puerto Rico.

Special thanks to The Swordpress for posting the KMZ

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Naturschutz Gruenes Band

BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany)

Fast 40 Jahre lang teilte der Eiserne Vorhang Europa. Gleichzeitig gab diese Grenze der Natur eine über 30-jährige Atempause. Der innerdeutsche Grenzstreifen wurde zum Refugium für viele seltene Pflanzen und Tiere. Der BUND sorgt dafür, dass dieses Gebiet erhalten bleibt und weiterhin Heimat vieler seltener Pflanzen und Tiere sein kann. Um die Geschichte des innerdeutschen Grenzstreifens zu erzähhlen und der Natur, die sich dort entwickeln konnte, kreierte der BUND diese wunderschöne KML-Datei. Schauen Sie mal rein!

Almost 40 years the Iron Curtain divided Europe. At the same time this border gave nature a more than 30-years reprieve. The border area within Germany became a hideaway for rare plants and animals. The BUND got involved to conserve this area and makes sure it stays home of many rare species. In order to tell the story of the German border area and the nature that developed there during the time, the BUND now created this beautiful KML. Have a look!

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Per Capita CO2 Emissions

World Resources Institute (Earth Trends)

In this powerful geospatial visualization, you can view the CO2 (Carbon dioxide) emissions per capita for each country around the world for 2004. By using polygons to present their data, the World Resources Institute (Earth Trends) provide an easy to understand and accessible form of data regarding one of the "hot" topics in the news. It could be interesting to see this same KML presentation in 20 years time to see what countries are truly playing their part to reduce emissions.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

NSIDC Glaciers and Climate Change

National Snow and Ice Data Center

Here, you can explore a KML providing a rich geospatial presentation illustrating the changes in glaciers over the years. By providing documented photographic evidence, you can see first hand the changes that have taken place. Since glaciers can contribute to sea level rise, understanding the changes that have occurred over the years can provide us with a greater knowledge of the impacts we are having on our own planet with regards to climate change.

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Righteous Among the Nations


January 27th marked International Holocaust Remembrance day; a day set by the United Nations General Assembly to commemorate the victims of the Nazi regime. In this highly informative KML, you are able to geographically explore the lives of people designated "Righteous among the Nations". These people are defined as non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. BeadieJay, a member of the Google Earth Community uses her passion for all things geospatial to pay tribute to each of these "righteous" people.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

All The Water

David Tryse

This fascinating geographical visualization created by David Tryse, illustrates how all the world's water would appear if gathered into a sphere. Alongside the 'Total Water' sphere, are several other smaller spheres, each one decreasing in size to represent other water sources - for example the amount of water found in soil moisture. These kinds of visually impacting and easy to understand KML's can prove so useful in enabling a better understanding of our own, 'blue planet'.

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